Report a concern

Do you have a concern that you feel the University needs to be made aware? Specific systems have been put in place to carefully handle any type of concern you may have in an efficient and intentional manner.

Please use this page to find the appropriate avenue suited to your concern.

Sexual misconduct

Sample concerns

Sexual misconduct occurs any time a person is forced, coerced, manipulated and/or threatened into any unwanted sexual contact, attempted or completed. It also includes any sexual contact without explicit consent. You cannot give consent if you are unconscious or incapacitated due to alcohol or other substance use. Sexual misconduct can include, but is not limited to:

  • Sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Voyeurism
  • Stalking
  • Rape
  • Fondling
  • Molestation
  • Dating or acquaintance violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Sexual battery (unwanted touching)
  • Indecent exposure
  • Recording or distributing private acts or images

How to report

Please visit the Title IX section of this website for more information on reporting.

Student wellbeing

Sample concerns

Students who are experiencing distress, or may be a risk to themselves or others. This can include mental health concerns, difficulty functioning, or other behaviors that constitute risk (but are not necessarily misconduct).

How to report

Please visit the CARE Team's page for ways you can help.

Student misconduct

Sample concerns

  • Hazing
  • Violence/assault
  • Student organization misconduct
  • Any violation of federal, state, or local laws

How to report

Please see more information under the Office of Community Standards and Wellbeing.

Unethical behavior

Sample concerns

  • Breach of confidentiality
  • Conflict of interest
  • Misuse of University resources

How to report

Please see more information about the confidential reporting system.

Campus incident or safety concern

If your concern involves a campus incident or a general safety concern, please connect with Public Safety by calling 909-748-8888 or ext. 8888 on campus phones or using one of the other methods shown here.

Anonymous tip submission

BULLDOG TIPS is a safety alert system to send an anonymous tip via text message. Text TIP UOFR to 888777.

To send an anonymous tip online, please use this system.

In the event of an emergency

Please call 911 or use one of the blue phones on campus to directly connect with a Public Safety dispatcher.

Website issue or concern

Sample concerns

  • Misspelling
  • Broken link
  • Missing image
  • Inaccurate information

How to report

Connect with the Web Team for assistance.

NOTE: The Web Team can assist with pages on and